Module 3

A Review and Comparison of Behavioural Intervention Development Frameworks: The ORBIT Model, The Science of Behavior Change (SOBC) approach, and the MRC framework

Susan M. Czajkowski

Chief of the Health Behaviors Research Branch – Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute (USA)

50 minutes

Summary - Module 3

This module focuses on the goals and purposes of three behavioral intervention development and testing approaches, explore the key features and relationships between each of these frameworks, and also explore how best to select frameworks for the development of specific interventions.

Presented by Susan Czajkowski, PhD


Czajkowski, S. M., & Hunter, C. M. (2021). From ideas to interventions: A review and comparison of frameworks used in early phase behavioral translation research. Health psychology, 40(12), 829–844.

Czajkowski, S. M., Powell, L. H., Adler, N., Naar-King, S., Reynolds, K. D., Hunter, C. M., Laraia, B., Olster, D. H., Perna, F. M., Peterson, J. C., Epel, E., Boyington, J. E., & Charlson, M. E. (2015). From ideas to efficacy: The ORBIT model for developing behavioral treatments for chronic diseases. Health psychology, 34(10), 971–982.

Nielsen, L., Riddle, M., King, J. W., NIH Science of Behavior Change Implementation Team, Aklin, W. M., Chen, W., Clark, D., Collier, E., Czajkowski, S., Esposito, L., Ferrer, R., Green, P., Hunter, C., Kehl, K., King, R., Onken, L., Simmons, J. M., Stoeckel, L., Stoney, C., Tully, L., … Weber, W. (2018). The NIH Science of Behavior Change Program: Transforming the science through a focus on mechanisms of change. Behaviour research and therapy, 101, 3–11.

Skivington, K., Matthews, L., Simpson, S. A., Craig, P., Baird, J., Blazeby, J. M., Boyd, K. A., Craig, N., French, D. P., McIntosh, E., Petticrew, M., Rycroft-Malone, J., White, M., & Moore, L. (2021). A new framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions: update of Medical Research Council guidanceBMJ (Clinical research ed.), 374, n2061.

Naar, S., Czajkowski, S. M., & Spring, B. (2018). Innovative study designs and methods for optimizing and implementing behavioral interventions to improve health. Health psychology, 37(12), 1081–1091.

Wing, R. (2021). Looking back and forward from the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP): A commentary on the importance of research aimed at intervention optimization. Health psychology, 40(12), 1009–1016.



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