
  • Summer Schools

    Week-long courses focused on novel behavioural intervention development frameworks and methods and innovative clinical trial designs.

    Intensive, immersive programs taught by international intersectoral experts both from within and outside academia.

    Key focus : breaking down disease-specific silos and taking a more person-centred approach.

    Includes opportunities for mentees to build their peer and professional networks.

  • Experiential Internships

    Three- to four-month long opportunities for mentees to develop and/or implement their newly acquired skills in ‘real-world’ environments in order to learn about how these sectors function, as well as being able to bring their behavioural trial expertise to non-academic environments.

    Designed to enhance interdisciplinary and intersectoral exchange, provide potential alternative and innovative career paths, and create opportunities for long-term sustainability through collaboration and capacity building.

  • Courses

    State-of-the-art behavioural intervention and clinical trials training courses in various formats (in-person, online, MOOCs, workshops, case-based, informational) adaptable to a variety of settings with customisable content and delivery modes and of varying length (1-16 hours) with potential to offer CPD credits and/or academic micro-credentials.

    View the CBITN’s open access core curriculum series

  • Personalised Curriculum

    Focused on acquiring professional skills to support career building using existing professional and academic skills development workshops, online resources, and responsive learning options from Concordia University’s GradProSkills program. Memorial University’s EDGE and TSEP programs, Calgary University’s Office of CME&PD, and Medical Skills Centre, Regina University’s Centre for Continuing Education), and UQAM’s Formation continue and Service aux collectivités programing.

    Skills domains to include career building, communication, language training,
    leadership and management, software, web and interactive tools, writing, success in graduate school, teaching, and wellness and life balance.

  • Networking Events

    Series of regional, provincial and national networking events to offer opportunities for partners to interact with the CBITN’s cohort of mentees and other trainees and for mentees and trainees to network with peers and intersectoral leaders to enhance their professional networks and explore potential employment opportunities.

    Event will take place in nonacademic settings to facilitate the participation of partners, notably to facilitate provincial level knowledge transfer, capacity building, and program implementation.

    View 2024 CBITN events

    View 2024 partner events